From Skin to Skeleton:
Towards Biomechanically Accurate 3D Digital Humans
Marilyn Keller, Keenon Werling, Soyong Shin, Scott Delp, Sergi Pujades, C. Karen Liu, Michael J. Black
[Paper] [Supplementary] [Code]
(a) We fit our new Biomechanical Skeleton Model, BSM, to SMPL [Loper et al. 2015] mesh sequences from AMASS [Mahmood et al. 2019]. This gives paired data enabling us to learn the mapping from skin to skeleton. (b) We use this to create SKEL, a parametric body model with skin and skeleton meshes, driven by biomechanical pose parameters and incorporating the shape space of SMPL. SKEL is like SMPL but with more realistic degrees of freedom. Fitting SKEL to DFAUST scans [Bogo et al. 2017] results in SKEL’s scapula sliding (c) and the forearms twisting appropriately (d).
Great progress has been made in estimating 3D human pose and shape from images and video by training neural networks to directly regress the parameters of parametric human models like SMPL. However, existing body models have simplified kinematic structures that do not correspond to the true joint locations and articulations in the human skeletal system, limiting their potential use in biomechanics. On the other hand, methods for estimating biomechanically accurate skeletal motion typically rely on complex motion capture systems and expensive optimization methods. What is needed is a parametric 3D human model with a biomechanically accurate skeletal structure that can be easily posed. To that end, we develop SKEL, which re-rigs the SMPL body model with a biomechanics skeleton. To enable this, we need training data of skeletons inside SMPL meshes in diverse poses.
We build such a dataset by optimizing biomechanically accurate skeletons inside SMPL meshes from AMASS sequences. We then learn a regressor from SMPL mesh vertices to the optimized joint locations and bone rotations. Finally, we re-parametrize the SMPL mesh with the new kinematic parameters. The resulting SKEL model is animatable like SMPL but with fewer, and biomechanically-realistic, degrees of freedom. We show that SKEL has more biomechanically accurate joint locations than SMPL, and the bones fit inside the body surface better than previous methods. By fitting SKEL to SMPL meshes we are able to “upgrade" existing human pose and shape datasets to include biomechanical parameters. SKEL provides a new tool to enable biomechanics in the wild, while also providing vision and graphics researchers with a better constrained and more realistic model of human articulation. The model, code, and data are available for research at
We provide the following code for this project:
1) SKEL loader
This code will let you load the SKEL model. SKEL is a body model, that given shape parameters β and pose parameters q yields a posed body mesh and skeleton mesh. SKEL's body mesh is the same as SMPL but contrary to SMPL, SKEL has more anatomically sound degrees of freedom, i.e knee flexion, arm supination, etc.
2) SMPL2AddBiomechanics: Fitting an OpenSim model to SMPL sequences
Support code for running AddBiomechanics on SMPL sequences .
3) SKEL Viewer for BSM, BioAmass and SKEL :
Viewer based on ait-viewer and nimblephysics that lets you visualize the different models we use in the paper and motion sequences.
We release BioAmass, a dataset of BSM fits to SMPL sequences from AMASS. BSM is a full body biomechanical skeleton model in OpenSim format (.osim).
The dataset was created as follows. We load BSM with NimblePhysics and run the fit to SMPL with AddBiomechanics, see the repository SMPL2AddBiomechanics for more details.
The SKEL and BSM models, as well as the BioAmass dataset are avalabre in the Download Tab of this page.
Acknowledgments and Disclosures. Michael J. Black (MJB) has received research gift funds from Adobe, Intel, Nvidia, Meta/Facebook, and Amazon. MJB has financial interests in Amazon, Datagen Technologies, and Meshcapade GmbH. While MJB is a consultant for Meshcapade, his research was performed solely at MPI. Soyong Shin performed this work while an intern at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. Marilyn Keller was supported by the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems. Sergi Pujades’ work was funded by the ANR SEMBA project. This work uses aitviewer for visualization [Kaufmann et al. 2022].
title = {From Skin to Skeleton: Towards Biomechanically Accurate {3D} Digital Humans},
author = {Keller, Marilyn and Werling, Keenon and Shin, Soyong and Delp, Scott and Pujades, Sergi and Liu, C. Karen and Black, Michael J.},
journal = {ACM Transaction on Graphics (ToG)},
volume = {42},
number = {6},
pages = {253:1-253:15},
month = dec,
year = {2023},
doi = {},
month_numeric = {12}